Ok. I just want to say that I am ok. The truth is I am not depressed like I may have sounded before, I am just pregnant and this pregnancy seems to be a lot more hormonal than usual. I have terrible mood swings and when I swing back up, I only get back up to mediocre. I have been down on myself lately because I feel like I don't have a perfectly clean house with perfectly obedient children with a a full load of schoolwork every day like everyone else I know. The reality of it is that my house, although probably not as clean as yours, is cleaner now than it has ever been in my married life, my children aren't that bad and we don't have a tight schedule for doing schoolwork and some days don't even do it. On the positive side of things, I'm starting to be happy with that. I am constantly comparing myself to other people and I need to stop doing that. Or I need to stop having such great people for friends. I have also noticed that I feel better about myself when I look good. As superficial as that sounds, it's true. The problem is that I have had to wear my glasses for two weeks now because my perscription expired and I can't buy any new contacts. I don't feel pretty in my glasses (even though you like them, Tia). I had an appointment for an exam last week, but my optometrist had emergency surgery so they don't know when they will be able to reschedule the appointment. Today I have on extra make-up to compensate.
I did get to go shopping this weekend with my best friend, Karen. We were able to get away WITHOUT ANY KIDS! It was so nice. I found a really great pair of maternity jeans at Goodwill that were made for me. We also got to eat at one of my favorite places, Moe's. We are both pregnant with our fourth child and we are about two weeks apart. It was the first time I have had a chance to spend time with her in a long time, whereas we used to see each other every day.
Well, we are off to the library for story and song time.
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
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I didn't know Karen was prego! Sounds like a great trip.
Sister friend, come spend one day at my house (with your lovely glasses) and your house will look like Mr. Clean's residence. Atleast you have kids that constantly must be cleaned after. I, on the other hand, have no body to blame for my compulsive messiness except myself! :)
Thanks, Tia! Don't feel bad, my house was messy before I had kids, too. The past few months have been the first time in 10 years that we have not had to push everything to one side of the table to eat dinner.
First off, I laughed my head off at your comment about getting up and putting on make-up so you could read my blog. You looked a lot better writing it than I did reading it, I'm sure. You would feel so much better if you would just come to visit me.
My house was a disaster zone before I had kids and it was a wreck after I had kids. Now that my youngest child is 2.5 and my oldest is 10, I am doing better in the house keeping department but only because #1, the kids can actually help out some and #2, I can't function in a messy house anymore. I was forced into neatness. There is enough chaos around here without not being able to find anything.
As for a full day of school, this is our very first year to accomplish that!!! Up till this year, we did school year round and hit about 3 or four days a week and on the days we did school, it was pick and choose and not so organized. I am learning new tactics and I am also benefiting from the kids getting a little older and more responsible.
I remember having 2 toddlers and a baby on the way. You are in a crazy time of life, sister. And you are doing great. You are a lot further along your way than I was when I was at that stage of life. You are right about comparing yourself. don't. Catrina and I talk about this lots. She always tells me that she would not be happy if she had my life and I know she wouldn't. My life and my kids would drive her nuts as would my sweet hubby. I happen to like them all but that's because they are mine:). And I don't know if I am one of the ones you think has perfectly well behaved children or not, but if I am, you need to sit behind me in church next time I'm in town. That will fix that problem. LOL!
I will definitely be praying for you:):):). And I actually like the glasses. I think they look great. I have wanted glasses since 1st grade. I actually lied to the optomistrist to try to get him to write me a prescription for them when I was 6 but I guess he saw through my ploy. I always look longingly at the glasses in Wal-Martand once, I actually tried to convince myself that I needed them once but even the weakest strength made me dizzy. 40 is only 3 years away and everyone says your eyes go at 40 so I guess I'll just have to wait until then.
Yes. You're right about it being a crazy time. I go from fractions to 'Old MacDonald' to changing a diaper to feeling the baby kick all in the same breath. Not to mention all the craziness that goes on with the business even though I'm not really on the front lines of that. Tahnks everyone for the encouragement and prayers!
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