Thursday, February 15, 2007


Nolan has been on a hunger strike for weeks. Well, not really a hunger strike if you don't count Goldfish crackers, yogurt and cupcakes. Last night we decided that his pickyness needs to end and we had a pretty big struggle with him and some spaghetti. I don't think any food actually made it all the way down, but apparently we got our point across. We won't give in and just hand over the crackers. Well, today for lunch I was passing out the peanutbutter and jellies and just put one on his tray like everybody else. He smooshed it around a little and didn't show any interest in actually eating it. I took a piece and held it up to his mouth (which he had clamped shut) for about 10 seconds and he opened up and took a taste. He decided he can eat it now. These kids are so sweet but each one is more stubborn than the last.


Catrina said...

Mine all wanted to fast tonight when they heard we were having veggie lasagna. lol. None have starved to death so far, so have fun.

Steph said...

YAY Nolan!!

keithandjennifer said...

YEAH!!! We did the same thing with Judah a couple of nights ago. Everything in my teacher training told me "this will make him hate you and eatting." However, everything people at church said may me know Keith and I had to win this battle. He has been eating better ever since. You did the right thing!! Check out my new blog if you have time--

musicmommy3 said...

Good job girl!

Everyone handles things differently with regard to eating but as long as you are the one in control...that's the important thing.

I think the stubborness getting stronger with each child is partly that we just let more things go with each child until we realize what we've done. Time is an issue, siblings give the baby everything, etc. Sometimes I realize what I'm doing (when I give into whining or something like that) and think, "OOPS! What am I doing?"
You're dsefinitely on the right track and I have enjoyed reading your blog. I hope that you don't mind.
-Angela :>)