Thursday, June 26, 2008

Busy, Busy, Busy...

Emily and Lily were in music camp last week. Somehow, the girls switched personalities during their performance Friday night. Lily just stood there like a shy little mouse and did not sing a word, whereas Emily sang boldly and danced around more than any other kid.

Being goofy in the car.

Lily found a pretty rock and Nolan had to get in on the picture to show his new haircut. Six months ago he screamed if I even said the word "haircut". Now he climbs up onto my bathroom counter and begs me for one.

Our new machine was delivered yesterday. This piece of equipment is a pretty big deal for us. If you would like to see a video of what it does, check it out on YouTube and search for Thermwood CNC Cabinetshop

If woodworking equipment doesn't excite you and you don't want to watch the video, rejoice with us anyway!


Mothertomanyblessings said...

My grandma lives in Elberton and I never thought about taking the kids there,. Did you just go , does it cost anything???

Ashley Dumas said...

Hi there,

Wow Lily and Marina are real look alikes in some photos. Always a joy to see your little ones. What camp did they go to? Are you guys still at Grace Covenant? Do you ever see Amy Pellis? Will you give her a hug from me? Thanks, Bye, Ash

Ashley Dumas said...

Oh yeah and Congrats to your family on the new Machine!! Looks pretty handy!

: )

keithandjennifer said...

Congrats on the machine. From talking to you it sounds like it is going to be a God send for the business. Hope it can help hubby have more time and more money for the family.

musicmommy3 said...

What camp did they attend?

DeeAnn said...

Thanks for all the questions guys! I feel so loved!

Tiffany - I only called to get directions. It's free admission, free piece of granite as a souvineir and free literature and postcards. The only money I spent was on the gas to get there. They are only open from 2pm-5pm and they have a website. I think I just googled Elberton Granite Museum.

Ash - They went to music camp at Zebulon Baptist. It cost $15 per kid, but they fed them dinner every night and they got t-shirt and a CD of the songs that they performed. Yes, we're still at GCF. We love everyone so much. You missed some good karoke last night. Yes, Amy is in our homegroup. She's hugging me all the time so I'll let her know that one is from you. Did you know that she is on facebook now?

Jennifer - Yes, we all really see this as a turning point for our business and our family. Everything can be done more quickly and efficiently, but we can also do a wider range of business. Even though Paul has been out of town a lot, he has been spending a lot more time with us (not just us hanging out at the shop while he works). He even left work one day this week and had lunch with us in the park. It's not that he didn't want to spend time with us, but he was always just so busy trying to put out fires and do everything himself.

Angela - Zebulon. Do you sing in the choir at your church?

Mothertomanyblessings said...

WEll I think I may talk to hubby about that and take the kids up there, Be something different for them. Thanks

Unknown said...

Seems like you guys have been very busy enjoying the summer. Thanks for reading our blog. We miss you lots! The rock that Lily found is very beautiful and Nolan's new haircut is quite handsome. I also loved the video of Ruby laughing and the cute picture of Emily holding her! Hope you guys are all doing well. Love, Sarah

musicmommy3 said...

I don't sing in the choir because it would be too big of a time committment. I do special music in the rotation though. :)