Friday, March 2, 2007

What's going on today

I don't have a pictures to post right now, but I'll let you all know what is going on with the kids. Adam and Emily are playing outside with four of the neighbor kids. I have come to the conclusion that little girls just have to scream for no reason and boys have to run with large sticks. I have no idea why they are compelled to do these things. I'm trying to clean the kitchen before dinner (I know that sounds backwards but Fridays are always the storm before the calm for me) and I keep hearing four blood-curdiling screams from outside. I race to the backdoor only to see everyone just jumping and screaming with a boy running in a circle around them. I can imagine that this same thing is happening in millions of backyards around the country at this same time.
Lily couldn't find any of her shoes except for one pair of dress-up high heels. We took a walk around the backyard today to find quite a few pairs of shoes and at least two pairs of her socks that have been there for I don't know how long. I just looked out the window and saw another pair of shoes. At least she's loosing them in pairs.
I think Nolan is getting more teeth because he's fussy, waking up at night and has a non-stop runny nose. He wanted to go outside today, but I was standing in the way so he tried to push me over and was stomping his feet. He's a little too big for his britches. After he calmed down he was giving me kisses. I releshed it even if they were snotty. I can always clean my face off, but I'll never get another chance for 15-month-old Nolan kissses.
That's all for now. The kids have friends coming over tonight so I better get to starting dinner.

1 comment:

Tonya said...

The first place I look for lost shoes is around the trampoline.