Saturday, December 8, 2007

Story Time

We are reading the juvinile version of The Pilgrim's Progress together as a family. It is a story about a man's journey to salvation and the people, obstacles and demons that stand in his way and try to distract him from reaching Christ. All the way he has to carry a huge burden on his back that weighs him down. He learns to go the way that is hard but best. It is a very good protrayal of the battles we must fight and the glorious life that we can receive, but there are also people who do get distracted and complacent and turn back to the easy way. It is perfect for Adam and Emily's age and also a great reminder for us adults. We really desire for our children to understand that they cannot just float through life with salvation based on a one-time prayer and see a life devoted to God as something they can deal with later on. The little ones are a little too young to understand the actual story, but they enjoy the family time together.


Jane said...

love the focus of your family time!

Also...look at the size of Adam's feet!!! WOW!!! and he hasn't hit the teen growth spurt yet!

DeeAnn said...

I know. Our kids are going to be really tall. We are 5'7" and 5'9", but we both have very tall grandpas. Adam also likes to wear his clothes and shoes bigger than he needs to. We try to let him be fasionable, but we have a rule against the undies showing.

Jane said...

lol about the undies!

any time you want to pass some of that height across the boarder feel free...I am only 5'3.5"...and taller than both of my parents and my three sisters! If I were ever to have children, they would be short. Jack is only 5'8" at best, so he isn't any help either!

Jane said...
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Tonya said...

I love that picture:). Where did you get the book and who published it. I would love to find a juvenile version of PP.

DeeAnn said...

I checked it out at the library. The author who rewrote it is Gary D. Schmidt and it is published by Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co. We have had some good discussion come about because of this book. Especially since Adam is planning to go see that Compass movie with his other family. It's hard sometimes when you can't shelter all of your kids. We try to infuse as much "the hard but right way" talk into him as possible and pray that it sticks.

Christy Fritz said...

i like primal defense for kids too, but was waiting to shift them all to that when clara was three.
clara likes the florabears better, so i'll always keep some on hand.
you can get them at